Welcome to the new Pearl Class blog.

What a fantastic first week we have had Pearl Class. I have been so impressed with the excellent work over the last week and I am really looking forward to the rest of the school year.

Blogging is great fun. It can help us learn some fantastic new skills and it is also a great way of sharing new ideas and interesting facts.

However, it is vitally important to make sure that we use the blog sensibly and safely. It is  therefore very important that we follow these simple rules when commenting and sharing ideas on our, or anyone else’s blog.

1. Do not post unkind comments about anyone.

2. Always be polite.

3. Do not reveal any personal information about yourself.

4. Always write in full sentences (no text talk).

5. Always show respect  – be positive if you are going to comment and always remember that the blog is an extension of our school.

6. Never post a comment and pretend to be someone else.

Over the next few weeks we will talking a lot about e safety, so if  you can think of any more rules that we should adopt please comment below.

Mr H